Human hair lace wigs are more similar to our own hair than the synthetic variety or the curly lace wigs, but specific care is still needed. If you want to have your lace wigs last for a longer time, we will give your wig a long life by following basic steps.
Step 1; you should use all the tools on your own hair including mousse, hot irons, hair dryers, flat irons and hair spray. Just take care to keep heat away from the cap, especially if there is any vinyl in the construction.Step2, Wash lace wigs after six to twelve months. How often you do this depends upon the climate where you live, and how often you wear it. Dry weather tends to make a wig lose its sheen, because it doesn’t contain the natural oils of your own hair. Step 3, Brush human hair wigs with a wire brush to detangle, and then soak in a basin of warm water to which you’ve first added a teaspoon of wig shampoo. Let the hair swish around in the water. Rinses in clear water, lace front wigs apply conditioner to restore the shine. Step 4, Store human hair wigs on a Styrofoam head, or on a wig stand. When traveling, a wig box will help to hold the shape and style.
Take human hair wigs or man’s toupee to a stylist to trim and shape, if you have ordered them online or through a catalog. If you buy your wig in a wig shop, this will give you a nice, natural look.